Zipwall SLP6 poles aluminum

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Zipwall 20' 2-Pack

Zipwall® 20 Poles includes two 20' anodized aluminum spring-loaded poles with parts including heads, plates, and GripDisk non-slip pads.
Availability: In stock

ZipWall® is an award-winning barrier system. It has been honored by the press and hailed by builders, painters, carpenters, floor refinishers, demolition workers, restoration companies, and do-it-yourselfers as a simple and effective method of controlling dust by isolating the worksite from other areas. The patented ZipWall® spring loaded barrier system consists of telescoping twist lock ZipWall® poles available in both twelve and twenty foot lengths. The system locks the screening material (ordinary plastic sheeting, light canvas tarp or drop cloth) firmly against the ceiling, creating a virtually airtight barrier. Once in place, just lift and tuck the screening material under the pole to create a tight barrier from top to bottom.

In just a few minutes, four lightweight poles and a plastic sheeting create the next best thing to a true hermetically sealed work area, so sawdust and plaster dust don't have a chance to infiltrate the rest of the house. To assemble, twist the telescoping poles to height—up to 12 feet using the standard poles then pump the jacks at the top to pull the plastic sheeting taut between floor and ceiling. The standard poles collapse down to 5 ft when not in use. One caveat: Be sure to leave an opening for ventilation.

  • Quick installation
  • Seals work area
  • Saves Time
  • Creates a dust free barrier

Zippers are used to create custom sized openings in any plastic.  Zippers are double sided for entry and exit from either side.  Foam rails create a tight tapeless seal along ceiling and walls. Don't be fooled by lower cost knock-off poles and parts.  Zipwall is the leader is dust containment products.

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